Rules and rights | VDWS

Germany Time 03:40

Rules and rights of way

Take care

Just like road traffic, there is also a need to take care on the water. Everyone that takes part on the water has to show that they can guarantee good conduct of safety and ease in congestion to avoid accidents. It is also important, to make sure that no others are jeopodised and more so, avoid obstructing and cause any inconveniance.

Make way and hold your course

Making way on the water is a rule laid down for rights of way. Unlike road traffic, it is always up to all water users to take care. One person has always to make way, and the other has to always hold their course. Motor vehicles, like cars, can never stop so abrubtly. Therefore, you must always take care when faced against water vessels, that you do cross their path (collision course), or overtake them, and that you respect their path and speed.

General rights of way

Motor vessels with gears must make way to sailing vessels. Particulary, in enforced areas, under the collision preventions rules, windsurfers are seen as sport equipment and not as water vessels. Here you must give right of way to motorboats and sailing boats. It is always complicated in a situation. Giving way in time, and allowing enough room for motorboats, that decrease their speed, can prevent a collision occuring. Also, when encountering catamarans and other windsurfers you should keep the way clear.

Maneouver at the last moment

Keep your course despite given warning signals from a vessel. You should not be forced to make a manouever. Set yourself a new course at the last moment. If you manoeuver from your course or change your speed to give wayyou should

  • make it in time
  • make it clearly and
  • with determination