Right of withdrawal | VDWS

Germany Time 11:12

Right of withdrawal for consumers 

Withdrawal policy

Right of withdrawal 
You have the right to cancel the contract by written communication (e.g. letter, telefax, e-mail) within 14 days without giving any reason, or – in case you receive the item before the deadline expiration – by return consignment. This deadline starts at receipt of this written information, however, not before receipt of the goods by the consignee (in case of recurring deliveries not before the receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not prior to the fulfillment of our information obligation pursuant to article 246 § 2 in relation with § 1 subparagraph 1 and 2 Introductory Act to the German Civil Code as well as our duties pursuant to § 312g subparagraph 1 first sentence German Civil Code in relation with article 246 § 3 Introductory Act to the German Civil Code. The deadline for withdrawal is deemed met if the revocation or the good is dispatched in good time. The withdrawal must be sent to:

VDWS - Service GmbH 
Dr.-Karl-Slevogt-Straße 5 
82362 Weilheim

e-mail: info@vdws.de 
telefax: 0881 / 93 11 - 15

Consequences of cancellation 
In the event of an effective cancellation mutually received benefits are to be returned and derived benefits (e.g. interests), if applicable, to be refunded. If you are not able, or only partially able to return the received benefits and derived benefits (e.g. benefit of use) or if you are only able to return respectively refund them in a deteriorated condition, compensation is due. In the event of deterioration of the item and derived benefits compensation is only due in so far derived benefits and deterioration result from a handling of the item that goes beyond testing its properties and functioning.  “Testing its properties and functioning” refers to testing and trying of the respective good, like it is generally possible and usual in retail stores. Items that can be packaged for shipping are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the return shipping costs if the delivered goods are order-conform and if the price of the returned item does not exceed 40 Euros or, in the event of a higher price, if at the moment of withdrawal you have not yet provided the consideration or the contractually agreed partial payment. Otherwise the return is free of charge. Items that cannot be packaged for shipping will be collected at your place. Reimbursement obligations must be met within 30 days. The period starts: a) the day you send your withdrawal declaration or the good, b) for us the day of their receipt.

End of cancellation policy

The right of withdrawal does not apply to distance contracts for the delivery of audio or video recordings or software if the delivered data carriers have been unsealed by the consumer.