Welcome in the World of Wing Boarding | VDWS

Germany Time 05:08

Welcome in the World of Wing Boarding

Whether Wingboarding, Wingsurfing or Wingfoiling, the enthusiasm for this new form of surfing unites Windsurfers, Kiters and Stand up paddlers alike. We at the VDWS firmly believe that Wingboarding is not just a passing trend, but will become an integral part of the watersports world in the future. Together with many of our member schools worldwide we are working on bringing this fascinating new sport closer to you.


[Translate to Englisch:] Wingboarding Workbook Vdws, Winfoiling Workbook VDWS

To meet this demand also in wingsurfing from the beginning, our schools offer you the brand new VDWS WingBoarding Workbook.  In this book you will find detailed photo series and easy to understand texts, the most important maneuvers in wingsurfing and wingfoiling explained. 

We hope to make your entry into the world of wingboarding as easy as possible and look forward to welcoming you at one of our schools!

Get your Wingboarding Workbook in one of our Wingboarding Centers around the world! 


Get one now