VDWS online Forum 2.0 | VDWS

Germany Time 04:19

VDWS online Forum 2.0

Feedback, experiences and new schedule

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For a little more than a week now the VDWS online forums are available.
After the first 4 dates it can be said that the program is well accepted.

An average of 8 people met for the forum dates and topics.
At the same time there was some feedback from potential interested parties who missed "their appointment". To those of them we would like to say "we'll continue" and of course there will be known but also new topics in the further course.

As there has been a shift in the dates, you will find the current schedule here, with links to the corresponding conference rooms.

If you want to participate, you are of course cordially invited. Just click on the link to the conference in the list below your desired date. 

Attention: The originally scheduled date for the VDWS Checkpoint has been changed ... .

VDWS online Forum 
11.05.2015:00Rainer BeerfeldeFragen zur aktuellen Corona Gesetzeslagex 
  VDWS Referat Seerecht  
  Thomas Weinhardt   
  VDWS Vorstand - 1. Vorsitzender  
12.05.2015:00Flo BrunnerFoil Windsurfenxx
  VDWS Lehrteam   
15.05.2015:00Tom Backhausneues VDWS Lizenzsystemxx
  VDWS Vorstand - Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsobmann  
20.05.2018:00Lisbeth PradeVDWS Checkpoint Handlingx 
  VDWS Projektleiterin  

Here are a few rules for our offer and meetings:

Please register with your name so that a personal address can take place.
Please try before, if microphone / camera are activated
Participation please only until the official start date
If you are not speaking, please switch off the microphone
Please participate from a quiet environment