VDWS online Forum | VDWS

Germany Time 05:16

VDWS online Forum

New - the online Forum

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The VDWS now offers its members an online forum. On different topics (also not only relevant for Corona), there is the possibility to exchange information with the moderators of the different topics and of course with the other participants, to get updated or to collect ideas how and which measures can be implemented "in your own business".

For this purpose we have set up virtual rooms for you, in which the corresponding meetings take place. In the attachement you will find a current list of topics, dates and moderators, which we offer in a first session.

Whoever would like to participate is of course cordially invited. Just click on the link to the conference in the list below your desired date. The address of the link always starts with meet.jit.si ... .

Here are a few rules for our offer and the meetings:

  • Please try before, if microphone / camera are activated

  • Participation please only until the official start date

  • If you are not speaking, please switch off the microphone

  • Please participate from a quiet surrounding

VDWS online Forum 
30.04.2015:00Dominik EiblALIVE & BBTalkin - Safety and Communicationxx
  Globalsafetrack - e.g . BB Talkin, ALIVE Tracking  
05.05.2015:00Thomas WeinhardtHandout and  VDWS Orga settings for restartx 
  VDWS board member - President  
  Rainer Beerfelde   
  VDWS maritime law departement  
06.05.2015:00Tim CarbonnelManufactures start up assistancexx
  Starfish - surfboards and new windsurf beginner board  
07.05.2015:00Flo BrunnerManufactures start up assistancexx
  APM Marketing - Starboard, Severne, Airush  
08.05.2015:00Jule BleichWing Surfen in the centerxx
  VDWS trainerteam   
11.05.2015:00Rainer BeerfeldeQuestions on the current Corona legal situationx 
  VDWS maritime law departement  
  Thomas Weinhardt   
  VDWS board member - President  
12.05.2015:00Flo BrunnerFoil Windsurfingxx
  VDWS trainerteam   
13.05.2015:00Lisbeth PradeVDWS Checkpoint Handlingx 
  VDWS project manager  
15.05.2015:00Tom Backhausnew VDWS Licencesystemxx
  VDWS board member - chairman for training and licences  