Level 3 Kiteboarding | VDWS

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Kiteboarding Instructor Level 3

Level 3 Kiteboarding Instructor Courses are the right choice for all of our Level 2 Instructors who like to take their teaching and own kiteboarding skills to a higher level. During those courses, we focus on the technique of intermediate and advanced kiteboarding manouvers and how to teach them professionally. 

Level 3 Instructors are kiteboarding experts with a very high own riding level and a deep understanding for complex movements. Their methodical skills and experience make them the true experts on the beach!


For the course:

  • valid VDWS Level 2 Kitesurf Instructor License
  • valid VDWS membership
  • Advanced Kitesurf Skills
  • teaching experience

To complete the license:

  • practical exam at the end of the Level 3 Instructor seminar

Duration:  3 days

Price:    245€ 

Extra costs: getting there, accommodation, equipent rental

Course contents

  • Improve your riding skills
  • Advanced teaching methods
  • Digital aids
  • Forms of course organisation in advanced lessons
  • Maneuver training
  • Improvement of demonstration skills
  • Advanced eqipment seminar
  • Aerodynamics
  • Planning an delivery of advanced course programs

Each Level 3 Instructor Seminar ends with a practical exam.

Topics Level 3 Seminars

-VDWS Level 2 Instructor Licence

For the exam: see Level 7 of the VDWS basic kiteboarding licence (> Rotation or Kiteloop, Grabs, One Foot, Board Off or Railey). Without a fundamental knowledge in advanced techniques it is unlikely for the participant to pass the exam.

If the participant passes the exam, he/she will receive level 3 of the VDWS instructor training level system.
Participation in the seminar is recognised by the VDWS as further training for licence renewal.

Training Contents:
Different manoeuvres that are often requested in advanced lessons, such as High Jumps, Backroll, Riding Toeside, Transition Jump (others depending on current demand) are analysed and methodical series are created, based on which the participants teach each other / personal desired manoeuvres of the participants are taught by the VDWS trainer using current advanced teaching aids / different organisational forms for advanced trainings are used and taught / each participant, with the help of the VDWS trainer, creates a lesson plan for teaching their desired manoeuvre and implements this with the other participants / rescue techniques with the kite / news from the association.

Within 10 minutes 5 advanced manoeuvres have to be performed, which are included for example in level 7 of the VDWS basic kiteboarding licence. Additional manoeuvres can be scored if they are comparable or higher in complexity and difficulty.

-VDWS Level 2 Instructor Licence

For the exam: Experience in strapless/wave board riding
Without experience in strapless/wave board riding it is unlikely for the participant to pass the exam.

If the participant passes the exam, he/she will receive level 3 of the VDWS instructor training level system.
Participation in the seminar is recognised by the VDWS as further training for licence renewal.

Training Contents:
Exemplary introduction by the VDWS trainer of: Waterstart, jumpstart, jibe, tack, foot change, backside air (Olli) / analysis of the above mentioned manoeuvres and development of a lesson plan with the help of the VDWS trainer. Subsequently, implementation of the lesson plan with the other participants / equipment knowledge about boards and fins, board transport, board repair / news from the association.


Demonstratingthe jibe (with foot change) and the fast tack close to the examiners (downwind!). Triangular course (beam reach, downwind and upwind) with three buoys approx. 75m - 150m apart. The course must be rounded within 10 minutes with jibes and tacks. The exam is finished after the repeated passing of the second buoy approached. The entry into the course is possible at every buoy and can be chosen freely. A maximum of three attempts, each entry into the course counts as one attempt.

-VDWS Level 2 Instructor Licence
- Directional und strapless kiteboarding

For the exam: experience in foil surfing
Without experience in foil surfing it is unlikely for the participant to pass the exam.

If the participant passes the exam, he/she will receive level 3 of the VDWS instructor training level system.
Participation in the seminar is recognised by the VDWS as further training for licence renewal.

Training Contents:
Course framework of an exemplary beginners' foil course / mutual coaching (experience, learn/deepen) / development of methodical teaching skills / equipment, trimming and physical background / techniques and manoeuvres / news from the association.

Triangular course (beam reach, downwind and upwind) with three buoys at a distance of approx. 75m-150m. The course must be circumnavigated within 10 minutes with jibes and tacks, or carved with only one manoeuvre (jibes only or tacks only) through a slalom course between two buoys. One manoeuvre may be carried out cruising (not planning). The exam is finished after the repeated passing of the buoy approached second. The entry into the course is possible at every buoy and can be chosen freely. A maximum of three attempts, each entry into the course counts as one attempt.


Dates VDWS Kiteboarding Instructor Level 3

bookable bookable few places few places fully booked fully booked

A strong partner worldwide

There are more then 540 watersportcenters in more then 35 countrys in the world. The VDWS consists of more then 4500 members, watersports instructors, school owners and center managers. Since the foundation in 1974 we were able to spread the fascination in windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and Stand up Paddling to more then 3 million watersports beginners!


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