Kitesurfing System
All trainees get a personal kiteboarding licence from their instructor. This card (with its specific licence number) aims to be a permanent companion and, by this, illustrates one's VDWS kite-apprenticeship for the rental of equipment and vis-à-vis local authorities.
Every passed level will be confirmed and recorded by a corresponding sticker on the kiteboarding licence-card.
The level system includes 7 level and one theorylevel. For the classic basic licence you need level 5 and the theorylevel..
Level 1: Safety Basics, Getting Ready, Start Flying, Take Off, Bodydrag Level 2: Bodydrag, Relaunch Level 3: Waterstart, Going Downwind (min. 50 meter) |
Theory: Basic theoretical knowledge, test |
Level 4: Going Downwind, Changing direction, Keep Position to Wind, Basic Jibe Level 5: Going Upwind |
Level 6: |

Basic Licence - International proof of qualification
Internationaler Befähigungsnachweis
After an adequate training, the VDWS hands out a proof of qualification – the „International Kiteboarding Basic Licence“. Compared to the basic licence for windsurfing or sailing this kite licence requires a much more extensive training. This is due to high security requirements according to examination directions by the VDWS e. V.. In the future the licence is intented to become a proof of qualifications of a basic safety training in kiteboarding with public authorities.
The document guarantees that its owner has the necessary basic knowledge and the necessary ability and is able to exercise this sport in accord with the environment and his fellow sportsmen.
Training in 6 steps
The training for the International Kiteboarding Basic Licence is divided into 6 levels. Depending on previous knowledge, every level takes at least 15 to 20 hours in theoretical and practical training. Your practical kiteboarding skills are tested at each level. After that the students should kite under the supervision of a school first, just to obtain the necessary confidence in handling the kite.
For a complete Kiteboarding Basic Licence, 5 practical and 1 theoretical exams have to be passed. Parts of the practical exam (for example to start, to land, to steer the kite in a safe way or to relaunch, to keep and obtain the hight) can be checked during a lesson.
It´s possible to repeat a part-exam after an adequate time to learn. The owner of the licence has passed all the necessary practical and theoretical exams, leading to the International Kiteboarding Basic Licence, as soon as he has managed to do all steps successfully and all five steps have been confirmed by the examiner.
Requests for official authorities and watersport centres
By this licence, all official authorities and rental schools in Germany and abroad are requested to support the owner in exercising his sport and to grant him all necessary aid in doing so.